Friday, September 9, 2011

Review 1 : DIY Save The Date Piccas



Fuh, finally saya reveal juga my big day date :P. Hehe, maaf saya
tidak dapat meninggalkan 'purple', memang sudah sangat fall in love.:p

Buat semua rakan - rakan, readers, followers, silent reader dan semuanyalah :D
Anda semua dijemput hadir jika ada kelapangan yea, Insya Allah formal
invitation akan menyusul di blog dan facebook, coming soon :)

Oh ya, buat mereka yang sudi, tinggalkanlah jejak di guestbook online kami :-

Software yang digunakan untuk STD di atas ialah software PhotoScape
dan juga picnik ( Selamat mencuba !


Tahukah anda, save the date sebenarnya boleh dimulakan seawal 12 bulan 
atau 6 bulan daripada tarikh majlis anda :) - sumber : wikipedia.

"A save the date is a notice stating the date of a significant event such as a wedding. It is typically sent to those likely to be interested or affected by the event and states the planned date of the occasion so that recipients who wish to attend know to keep that date free. For weddings, save the dates usually take the form of a card, but can also be a refrigerator magnet or similar item. They are generally sent out at least six to twelve months before the wedding date, and are usually followed by a formal wedding invitation. While save the date started as a wedding-related custom, it is now used by individuals, businesses, and organizations to announce the date of any formal event, ranging from wedding anniversaries to grand opening ceremonies for office buildings."


  1. wah .. rajin nyer wt pre wed ek .. loikeee ...

  2. nora... tarikh kita sama kan... ^_^

  3. hehe. tak lama dah nie, tak sabar nk pi raikan cheritera chenta nora..hehe... suke nama tajuk tu..nama blog personal blog put. ceritera sang puteri..hehe...

  4. Betul.. Rajin wat pre wed. Bakal tunang kita confirm tk mau huhu

  5. good luck all the best dan semoga Allah mempermudahkan segala urusan u...amin~

  6. nora, tahniah. tarikh wedding itu abang fariza kahwin. comelnya gambar di atas.

  7. terbaik la...insyallah semoga semua dipermudahkan...amin! ;)

  8. cikgu!!!! kreatiff!!!!
    tahniah2..tak lama lgi..hee

  9. ohh save the date kene prepare awal2, thanx for sharing....

  10. nora,

    ekceli sue confuse lagik pasal tempoh yang paling ideal nk menjemput ni.. save the date pon kire menjempot jugak kan? ke macam mana? tak awal sgt ke? adehh.. memikir jugak ni...

    then nk tanye macam nk nk buat guestbook online tu ek..? hhihihi..

    sgt menarik dan mudah..

    tq nora.. =)

  11. nora ni sgt kretip 100000x

  12. wow...semoga semuanya lancar dear..aminnn...suke! ^_^

  13. another save-the-date post.. ramai nye yg dah nak kawen.. huhuhu...

  14. ryn : buat awal2 dulu ahha kalau lambat mesti malas hehe :) thanks dear

    sunshine : yup ehehhe all the besh for both of us

    puteri : saya tak sabar nak pergi kamu punya :)

    hanys : jangan give up. guna sahaja gambar kamu berdua yang ada key :)

    hunny, erin : thanks dear, hugs

    fariza : yeke, eheh thanksdear

    zatie : thanks dear :)

    intan : thanks dear :)

    kaklong : awak pun sama hehe thanks :)

    elya : hehehe thanks dear :)

    adnil : Aminnnnnnnnnnn :)

    ieda : yup seawal boleh

    farhanah : yeke. hehe jom sama2 wat wed preps

    sue : save the date tu just sebagai platform bgtahu, annouce tarikh... lepas tu baru kita menjemput secara rasmi :) buatla.. nora dah up entry di atas :)

    syuhaidah : hai salam kenal, thanks dear hehe, link kamu juga :)

    miey : Aminnnnnnnnn !

    renee : nanti turn kamu pula dear :) hehehe

  15. now u more advance ooo :)

    gud job
