Friday, May 6, 2011

Doily Face Doily Love

Dearest lovely readers, really love and adore
this kind of doily decoration and gift. sweet :)

 sources : The Crafty Crow

variety of faces on doily. decoration idea.
wedding mode, kena la happy face kan hehe :p

source : The Crafty Crow
ilham untuk potpouri pun boleh kan. just jahit and
combine wangian potpouri di dalamnya :)

anaztasias : teringat sis nyomel . mesti suka doily face and
love tu. ehehehhe. comel kan sis :)


  1. doily deco mmg cantek....!! sweet sgt dear..

  2. sukenye..tapi tah mane nak cari bnde alah ni kan..huuu

  3. lijah : heart it :)

    miey : doily putih boleh cari kat kedai kek. warna2 leh ty cari kat kedai 2ply, klang :)
