Tuesday, February 1, 2011

mind set up

Alhamdullilah, im back !

For readers, thanks ready my blog
and appreciated all ur comments
and many thanks to followers.
Just blog picisan but really apreciated :)

I make up my mind.
Im back with new spirit.
To stalker, welcome :)
but don't be bad.
Okey, i don't care now.

This blog still under construction :)
and now i launching my new email
haha this email is the official email
for our wedding.. all stuff related wedding
(gedik kan. tak kira dah buat :p)

anything, inquiries just sent to :


okey.. daa want to blogwalking b2b now :)

anaztasias : will update masmona wedding soon :)


  1. sori semalam lambat reply ym..tengah buat coklat..anything just buzz ok.

  2. chaiyok nora!new spirit new agenda..hehe..nnt kalau mahu teman,i boleh teman kn..=)

  3. yeah~ go-go- nora..semangat camtu yg kite nak.. =)
